It has begun...
Finally I start blogging. And i don't like the fact that this editor is not smart enough to make the i a little more assertive(read capital I). And, well, i am too lazy to do that. Or i am too used to not doing that - thanks to MSWord.
Blogging... everyone seems to be doing it and i have been contemplating doing the same for a long time now. Why i haven't done it yet? Guess i used to think too much about would it should be like. Should it be timpass or serious; describe daily activities or pen down the motley random musings; should it be grammatically/politically/theologically/lexically correct.
And i finally end up writting my first blog with a throbbing head, thanks to mid-week booze compounded with very little sleep. Its not the best feeling to sleep at night knowing you have to get up at 6:15 and catch the company shuttle at 7:25, that too after a good 1 km walk from your place. Of course a morning walk, though forced, is good for health. Its even better if its a brisk one or if it then develops into a jog, after frequent frantic glances at the watch, and eventually culminates in a sprint as the bus is seen pulling out of the pick-up point.
Today i managed to break all records. I woke up at 07:08; brushed my teeth by 07:10; dressed up by 07:13; bathed myself in deo, wet my hair and combed by 07:15; wore one shoe by 07:16; searched for the other one in a mound of footwear by 07:19 (yes... Murphy's law); its 7:20 as i jumped down the stairs; i walked with increasing stride; broke into a jog; consult the watch - 7:23; Run Forrest run. Thankfully, the bus comes from the opposite side and the driver spots me running towards the crossing as the bus approaches it. Wasn't worth it if you ask me. Should have just stayed in bed and called in sick; i'd rather shit at home....
Blogging... everyone seems to be doing it and i have been contemplating doing the same for a long time now. Why i haven't done it yet? Guess i used to think too much about would it should be like. Should it be timpass or serious; describe daily activities or pen down the motley random musings; should it be grammatically/politically/theologically/lexically correct.
And i finally end up writting my first blog with a throbbing head, thanks to mid-week booze compounded with very little sleep. Its not the best feeling to sleep at night knowing you have to get up at 6:15 and catch the company shuttle at 7:25, that too after a good 1 km walk from your place. Of course a morning walk, though forced, is good for health. Its even better if its a brisk one or if it then develops into a jog, after frequent frantic glances at the watch, and eventually culminates in a sprint as the bus is seen pulling out of the pick-up point.
Today i managed to break all records. I woke up at 07:08; brushed my teeth by 07:10; dressed up by 07:13; bathed myself in deo, wet my hair and combed by 07:15; wore one shoe by 07:16; searched for the other one in a mound of footwear by 07:19 (yes... Murphy's law); its 7:20 as i jumped down the stairs; i walked with increasing stride; broke into a jog; consult the watch - 7:23; Run Forrest run. Thankfully, the bus comes from the opposite side and the driver spots me running towards the crossing as the bus approaches it. Wasn't worth it if you ask me. Should have just stayed in bed and called in sick; i'd rather shit at home....
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Charmaz, at 3:34 pm
Friday Friday Friday..
The best day in a software engineers life. It makes you do wierd odd things. Things like your first drink first date first blog.
go through all the first blogs and a good part of it looks the same. You forgot to add the time and thought spent at getting the url name with all possible words already booked.
Thank god its Friday
Charmaz, at 3:38 pm
now fight with the template starts..
Then finally in a couple of days probably you will learn to read the comments and you will realize one old friend was here
Charmaz, at 3:45 pm
congrats! abey choose one bright pink template pls..cater to yr audience's taates
satyajit, at 4:32 pm
well.. how can one ever underestimate the euproria of the friday... it even makes you feel good while you are sitting in office... esp when you know that after some time, on the bottom right of your screen you'll see 5:10 and it triggers a pavlovian ting ting ting ting in your head.. chutti time!!!
Tikna, at 4:32 pm
some horses roam around in the garb of hangers and shit all over the place... well noone wants to clean up the dung.. everyone curses the horse..
Tikna, at 4:34 pm
"You filthy animal"...didnt even take a bath....chi chi...hehehe...salay lazy did the people in your cab manage to survive man...hehehe...oye the black template is the best...
Unknown, at 4:56 pm
thank god your nick is not life_thru_my_nose.. he heh..
and ya it is smart.. but really cliched... when i have some time.. i'll customize this and make it better..
Tikna, at 4:58 pm
Good one...
Welcome to the world neo.
Pritesh Jain, at 5:05 pm
i come in peace!very interesting have a wonderfully scathing sarcastic note which perfectly articulates your feelings. good stuff mate.
Anonymous, at 9:32 pm
that's me, rohini by the way, who doth shower thee with compliments.
Anonymous, at 9:33 pm
Amen dude.
Transcending all shackles of time and place(more importantly, the latter), the drama unfolds in the same way on that coveted day of the week.
Got a saturday off after a month. hence enjoying that old charm after quite some time!
emeraldpond, at 6:25 pm
@Rohini : I am flirting with the written word for the first time.. and i thank thee for the fulsome praise..
@sapta : somehow these fridays have the uncanny knack of throwing up new challanges right in your face.. most of them are the getting late/stepping into a puddle/sitting on sambar types... guess its 13th every friday..
Tikna, at 9:56 am
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