Motor(quadra)cycle Diaries – The prelude
The choice of the title is not intended as a smart-ass pun(only…); it is the best description for a Maruti 800 as compared to the new generation cars. What else, other than a label as belittling as a cycle, could be more apt for a car that lacks even a power steering and power breaks in this age. Maybe that’s the beauty of it. Maybe we Indians have a special attachment for it. Maybe that’s the reason people still buy it, though a few more thousands can facilitate a more comfortable driving experience. I choose to brag about this beauty – one that still constitutes a high percentage of The Chaotic Indian Traffic – because she has performed exceedingly well under trying conditions. I may not know much about car maintenance yet (probably why she makes my life easy) but I know she’s here to stay.
I am compelled to write this after a road trip to from Bangalore to Pune, and back; all of 1800 Kms completed within two days and two nights. That it was maniacal, I would vouchsafe and my parents would testify; they did give me a hard time for doing this. I don’t blame them; their progeny-safety alarms had gone haywire when I called them and very coolly said. “Guess where I am. In Pune. We drove all night…” [cling cling clang]. I’ll save you the dirty details.
This is how it started:
A: “Crazy traffic... aargh! We may not make it on time”
B: “Hmmm”
P: “So B.. what if you miss the train”
A [matter-of-factly]: ”What’s there… Will drop him to Bombay”
B: “Yes yes… let’s do it man”
A: “Yeah sure… We are talking 950 kms here… That too over the weekend; to and fro… Shut up and start praying that we reach on time”
B: “Dude… I am serious… It’ll be awesome”
B [Praying]: “I hope we don't make it on time... God please pleeaassee”
P: “Wazzzzzaaaaa”
[tee teeent] sms from U: “Kahaan ho??”
B: “Gaadi mein…. Duhhh”
B: “Abe chal yaar… C and Ak will be ever-ready… you just gotta say yes”
A: “Sup….”
K: [Bewildered, confused, obfuscated… should I reach for the thesaurus now]
[tee teeent] sms from U: “Kab pahunchoge… train nikal jaegi”
K: [Befuddled, flabbergasted, lost; I did reach for the thesaurus]
A: [Expletives galore at the sight of a broken down truck in the middle of the road – the cause of the traffic jam]
A: “I think we’re gonna make it on time. B, what say… you wanna catch it?”
B: “Are you crazy… we doin this man!!”
A: “Yes we are…”
K: [Shake of the head] “Tch tch… you guys serious?”
K: [Back to: astonished, baffled, confounded]
P: “Wazzzzaaaaaa”
[tee teeent] sms from U: “Jaldi aao…”
We pull up in front of the station. B gets off with his luggage; U had been looking at her watch every split second. In the meantime she had finished reconnaissance and pinpointed the coach and the berth.
U: “Chalo jaldi karo.. choot jaegi”
B: “Huh.. so??”
A: “Yeah.. so???”
U: [ Bewildered, confused, obfuscated, Befuddled, flabbergasted, lost, astonished, baffled, confounded… all at once]
Enter C and Ch.
Plan briefly blurted out; Ch nodding; C neighing
C: “Abbe yaar trip safal ho gayi!! Let’s do this... I am calling Ak, he’ll surely come”
Poooooonn.. Chugg chug…
P: “C’mon guys, lets do some drama…”
[Authoritative tone] “B get on the train… A and C start running… B, get pulled down from the train”
A, B & C too excited to do anything; P pouting and sulking
P: “You guys are useless…”
U: “You guys are out of your heads”
I am compelled to write this after a road trip to from Bangalore to Pune, and back; all of 1800 Kms completed within two days and two nights. That it was maniacal, I would vouchsafe and my parents would testify; they did give me a hard time for doing this. I don’t blame them; their progeny-safety alarms had gone haywire when I called them and very coolly said. “Guess where I am. In Pune. We drove all night…” [cling cling clang]. I’ll save you the dirty details.
This is how it started:
A: “Crazy traffic... aargh! We may not make it on time”
B: “Hmmm”
P: “So B.. what if you miss the train”
A [matter-of-factly]: ”What’s there… Will drop him to Bombay”
B: “Yes yes… let’s do it man”
A: “Yeah sure… We are talking 950 kms here… That too over the weekend; to and fro… Shut up and start praying that we reach on time”
B: “Dude… I am serious… It’ll be awesome”
B [Praying]: “I hope we don't make it on time... God please pleeaassee”
P: “Wazzzzzaaaaa”
[tee teeent] sms from U: “Kahaan ho??”
B: “Gaadi mein…. Duhhh”
B: “Abe chal yaar… C and Ak will be ever-ready… you just gotta say yes”
A: “Sup….”
K: [Bewildered, confused, obfuscated… should I reach for the thesaurus now]
[tee teeent] sms from U: “Kab pahunchoge… train nikal jaegi”
K: [Befuddled, flabbergasted, lost; I did reach for the thesaurus]
A: [Expletives galore at the sight of a broken down truck in the middle of the road – the cause of the traffic jam]
A: “I think we’re gonna make it on time. B, what say… you wanna catch it?”
B: “Are you crazy… we doin this man!!”
A: “Yes we are…”
K: [Shake of the head] “Tch tch… you guys serious?”
K: [Back to: astonished, baffled, confounded]
P: “Wazzzzaaaaaa”
[tee teeent] sms from U: “Jaldi aao…”
We pull up in front of the station. B gets off with his luggage; U had been looking at her watch every split second. In the meantime she had finished reconnaissance and pinpointed the coach and the berth.
U: “Chalo jaldi karo.. choot jaegi”
B: “Huh.. so??”
A: “Yeah.. so???”
U: [ Bewildered, confused, obfuscated, Befuddled, flabbergasted, lost, astonished, baffled, confounded… all at once]
Enter C and Ch.
Plan briefly blurted out; Ch nodding; C neighing
C: “Abbe yaar trip safal ho gayi!! Let’s do this... I am calling Ak, he’ll surely come”
Poooooonn.. Chugg chug…
P: “C’mon guys, lets do some drama…”
[Authoritative tone] “B get on the train… A and C start running… B, get pulled down from the train”
A, B & C too excited to do anything; P pouting and sulking
P: “You guys are useless…”
U: “You guys are out of your heads”
Labels: read trippin
waaaazzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....who said kingfisher is popular in india....its bud baby...all the way..waaazzaaaaaaaaaaaaa....hehehe...Oye u remember the day u give of the maruti u would be the monk who sold his maruti...hehehehe
Unknown, at 9:45 am
hats off...
the best i have read from you so far.
i wish i had been to railway station with you that evening.
i know i missed a lot..
Pritesh Jain, at 9:51 am
Crazy! Last minute plans often turn out the best, so it must've been a blast.
And yeah, the 800 is a beauty...soaked in humble ruggedneess. And she's aged well too. On an average day amidst the traffic in Bangalore, I know who I'd rather be inside...
Suhas, at 10:03 am
@LTME: waaaazzzzaaaaa.. ppl would agree that we have made this form of greeting/exclamation/affirmation/irritation/elation our own!!
as far as the car goes.. i don't think i'll be selling it off in a hurry, cuz it's a lot more worth used than sold..
@PJ: thanks thanks!! but i am hoping the other stuff wasn't that bad either ;)
and to think you were with us just before the entire thing happened...
@BTT: ezz... amen to that... last minute plans are what rock the most.. too much of planning turns out to be a 'phuski' more often than not..
and all the talk of what you'd rather be inside... i can think of a lot more things and i am sure you would agree ;)
Tikna, at 12:25 pm
Suhas, at 2:37 pm
dude the previous post was Not by BTT but by cadambi ..
Suhas, at 2:39 pm
i mean the one you replied to .
Suhas, at 2:40 pm
hats off to you man..... I just remember that once we had gone biking on kanakpura road all of sudden and it was great fun... But nothing as far as you.... Keep Going
Goli, at 3:04 pm
@Cadambi: my apologies, but i was talking to the other suhas about 800s yesterday, so i assumed it was him.. but i think the reply is befitting anyways :) scroll up and read @BTT
@BTT: chaman.. change your username... saala confusion ke moorat.. aur post ke baare mein bhi kuch comment karega...
@Goli:dude nothing like these trips.. we keep doing them all the time.. but this is still the father of roadtrips.. my chums B, Ak and C had taken a trip to kerela.. on BIKE!! that was the mother of road trips!!
Tikna, at 4:52 pm
In future ill sign off as cadambi (im guessing btt is bagh the tiger). fitting reply indeed :)
Suhas, at 5:01 am
saale bhen#$%@! i feel so sorry for myself for not having read it until now..
i'm glad u remembered our conversation..i think its excatly verbatim, with all the [sic]s.. this is so cool man..
satyajit, at 11:04 am
i had a great time reliving the entire conversation...
had to spend the extra hour in office cuz i thought of writing it then!!
more to follow... but i don't think it'll be as interesting..
Tikna, at 4:03 pm
Life has changed so much... i m missin all these adventures and the waaaazzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas...
I m reminded of a story in hindi course in school which was about last minute plans... they rock :)
Anonymous, at 8:39 am
wazzzaa heda.... yo man.. nothin like these last minute plans man... fond memories are made of these!!!
Tikna, at 3:12 pm
sexy write up man
... bora
Anonymous, at 3:32 pm
and i was probably de most confused soul around!! :)
Nasal Crooner, at 3:33 pm
thanks bora
chuddu, sorry man.. didn't write anything about you, cuz by the time i was nearing the end, i.e. the time you walk in, it was time for me to catch my cab back home!
Tikna, at 8:45 pm
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Anonymous, at 7:13 am
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