Have been aimlessly browsing the net for while. Lot of stuff in my head. When when when will I put it down. Do I wanna? Let's face it - you can't blog your brains off, can you? You don't want people in on it; atleast I don't. Not the gupt gyan that we willingly dole out in a patronising fashion, the real stuff: the dirt, the slime clinging to the inner walls of one's soul, the innermost, the insecurities, the complexes, the mindset. People who pour it all out - are they exhibitionists? Anyways, we are all voyeurs, aren't we? [bloody rhetoric]. Just peeping and poking, to catch people in the buff - even physically, however ugly: at times[every time.. mind you] to feel good about our own selves.
I am in a mood to rant on, but it's pretty late and early office tommorow. Yes Mr. Raj Kapoor, the show goes on. The audience is mute though, and then they jerk off...
I am in a mood to rant on, but it's pretty late and early office tommorow. Yes Mr. Raj Kapoor, the show goes on. The audience is mute though, and then they jerk off...
The show must go on. :)
Pritesh Jain, at 8:56 am
ab mein kya bolun yar...i kep shitting my brains out...hehehe...salay concentrate on the big days coming ahead..[:d]...besta luck macha...
Unknown, at 3:21 pm
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