Can-aaa-B[L]iss ??

And we still make an issue of it. People have been doing it for ages, esp. us "conservative" Indians, though I wonder what makes us conservative. It is all a facade mon amis!! Just hypocritial bitches.. that's what we are :). Coming back to the point, list of people who smoke/d up:
They are from 'all walks of life'. So... humans have been consuming this since God knows when, honestly.. Prehistoric. Why does our society relegate things to trash as per convenience, I'll never know. There is conjecture of people consuming/"drinking smoke"(that's how 'smoking' was described ere the word 'smoking' was coined) as early as 5th BC.. hah! Ganja was known to be an ingredient of 'Soma', the intoxicant of the Gods. The Gods merrily flew, while us lowly denizens are denied our license to fly... c'mon not all of us have a 20/20; and it was not under our control that our retina played a bitch and got distorted, or we got opthalmologically screwed otherwise or the like: we too should have the right to fly.
In a world where we are constantly unhappy, stressed out, cussing one and all for bettering us, doing us in, screwing us up, kicking ass, making it, doing it, rocking it, fuckin it, fucking her/him... we could use a little numbness, listlessness, light-headedness and ALTITUDE.
Soar you fledgling soul..
for once lose sight of thy goal
look around: it's all putrid and rotten
that's all that's begotten
in the Green meadow, gambol you foal
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